One in three people struggle to fall and stay asleep. According to The Sleep Foundation, the majority of these people have developed poor sleep habits. However, with a few adjustments, we can reprogram our minds and bodies to sleep deeply each night. Here’s how:


  1. Avoid stimulants: We achieve our deepest rest through REM (Rapid Eye Movement), a crucial period of sleep that helps repair the brain and body. Adding too many stimulants to the body during the day, or enjoying wine late in the evening can negatively impact the quality of our REM sleep.
  2. Ditch the blue light: Harvard Medical School published a health letter exposing the toxic effects that blue light exposure can have on our health and sleep. Try to detox from electronics two hours before bedtime to achieve a better night’s sleep.
  3. Stretch: Gentle, restorative yoga poses can help you prep for bed. We suggest following a simple routine that lasts around 15 minutes or so.
  4. Smudge: Smudging was traditionally implemented within sacred ceremonies as a means of clearing negative energy and renewing space for one’s mind, body and soul. The technique is still widely practiced by shamans and healers today. When burned, Palo Santo gives off smoke that is believed to have medicinal and therapeutic energies.
  5. Meditate: Evidence suggests that meditation can help to reduce levels of anxiety and depression, both of which are known triggers for insomnia. If you’re interested in meditation, try downloading the Headspace app, which features plenty of guided exercises and videos to help promote a healthier, happier life.
April 12, 2017 — Luna Sundara