There’s a reason that the phrase “spring cleaning” holds so much symbolic power. It’s because spring is traditionally the season of new beginnings and fresh life.

And as we spring clean emotionally - perhaps evaluating what we want to throw out and what we want to start anew in our own lives - we’re excited to announce Luna’s newest arrival: Molle essential oil!

Like all products at Luna, molle is wildcrafted, meaning that it’s free of harmful chemical additives to provide you (and the environment) with a better, safer, purer experience. Nicknamed the “pink pepper” for its brightly colored fruits, this high quality oil is traditionally used to treat a variety of wounds and infections.

Molle is believed to possess antibacterial and antiseptic properties - so we recommend you keep the good vibes flowing by massaging 1 drop in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil to help relieve any physical discomfort or pain you might be feeling. You can also blend molle with other essential oils like basil, orange, lemon, fennel, juniper or Palo Santo to achieve the desired effects.

Take the time for a little R&R time this season. Molle essential oil is the perfect pick-me-up!


Written by: Brooke Hardington

Photography: Luna Sundara

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